Wonder Salerno Project

3D Graphics

Faithful three-dimensional representations of characters and architectural elements of historical importance

Augmented Reality

Activation of advanced content to discover the history of the places exactly in front of them

Immersive Audioguides

Historical insights narrated by the characters who were protagonists


Multilingual subtitles for inclusive tourism

An innovative App

Wonder Salerno for a Smart Tourism

The great bond with the Salerno area led Wonderlab srl to develop Wonder Salerno: an App capable of exploiting immersive technologies to innovate visits to Salerno's historic places. The project was conceived from the perspective of smart tourism to enhance the immense cultural heritage of the city, a very important center of history and traditions since the Middle Ages, from the control of the Lombards, where it experienced one of its most important periods as capital of the Principality of Salerno and home of the Salerno Medical School, until its role as Capital of Italy during the Second Italian War.

Based on Augmented Reality, which allows you to discover the city of Salerno through three-dimensional audio guides of prominent figures in Salerno's history, the App allows tourists and citizens to discover exploits and insights into the emblematic events of Salerno's history.

3D Graphics

Places and Characters: Salerno in 3D

An innovative App

Entertainment and Accessibility

The use of AR and 3D graphics makes the App a solution capable of conveying historical notions in an engaging, innovative and fun way. Furthermore, it represents an accessible solution thanks to the multilingual subtitles (Italian and English) and the immersive audio guides specially designed for each story, so that people with visual and/or hearing disabilities can take part in the history and beauty of Salerno

Live Salerno in
Augmented Reality

Immersive audio guides, characters and 3D representations at your fingertips, to discover the city of Salerno from a new perspective

Download the App


Institutional Credits

Project funded by the Campania Region ERDF Operational Program 2014-2020 Priority Axis 1 “Research and Innovation”, Specific Objective 1.1 - “Increase in business innovation activity” - PUBLIC NOTICE CAMPANIA START UP 2020.
Wonder Salerno Project
CUP B51B19001120007 – SURF 19091BP000000013